Anyone who runs a household and deals with the problems of everyday life knows all too well that there is often not enough money to buy unnecessary things!
Any housewife wants to save a little, especially if the family budget is already small.
Let's try reducing the electricity bill a bit and see how it turns out.
It may seem like a no-brainer, but in reality, with a few tips and tricks, you can free up a lot of money with sensible ways to save electricity in your apartment.
Don't forget to turn off the appliances
For example, TV. Older models with kinescopes consume about 100 watts of energy during operation, and off - 2 watts. The latest plasma and LCD TVs need more - 400 watts for running and 4 watts for standby. They switch to standby mode by pressing the corresponding button on the remote control. Don't be too lazy to click in time!
DVD player. If it's a new generation, it can be turned off completely. When closed, such players will save all their settings, even the date and time, and restore them the next time they connect to the network. But some devices recommend staying in standby mode overnight. This is important for software updates you receive.
computer. It can stay on if you work closely at home during the day. If you leave the workplace, it's a good idea to turn off the monitor as well. Auxiliary equipment, such as scanners, printers, should always be turned off when finished using them.
charger. The charger doesn't use a lot of power when charging your phone or other device. But it should be removed from the network after charging is complete, as it will continue to draw power and won't run as little over the course of the day.
More power saving tips
Replacing Ilyich bulbs throughout the house with new energy efficient bulbs can be very profitable, and they consume far less energy. And you should definitely turn off the lights in an empty room, even if you leave it for 10 minutes. For some reason, many people believe that frequent clicks of the switch will negatively affect the life of the bulb because of the surges that occur. There is no real basis for these speculations. If you want to save money, you should always turn off the lights behind you.
washing machine. Wash clothes at a lower temperature, with colors at 30-40 degrees instead of 60 degrees, and whites at 60 degrees instead of 90 degrees. In most cases, you won't see a difference in wash quality, and the energy savings will be noticeable. For better washing, today they use not high water temperature, but high quality powder. Also, try to enter the drying mode as little as possible.
Try to follow all of these simple prescriptions for at least a month and make the family aware of the need to conserve electricity. At the end of the month, look at the counter and make an analogy with past spending. Are you sure? Then make it a power-saving habit in your apartment.